Thursday, June 5, 2014

I'm Boycotting Pinterest

   So, I was on Pinterest today, and like any respected Disney addict, I have a Disney board. I was scrolling through and looking at some pins my followers had pinned to their Disney boards and I was having a good ol' time. I went to the search options (food and drink, home decor, beauty, ect.) and looked, just like everyday, to see if they made Disney a search option. Of course, they didn't. But, today, it made me real mad! 

   I wasn't for sure why I was so furious, but I was! It could have been lack of coffee, the fact that I miss Prince Charming, or that I miss Disney World and I'm tired of waiting to go back, either way, I was seething.

   So, I made some valid points as to why us Disney Freaks should have a search option on Pinterest:

  1. It's so much easier to find what we want, rather than manually typing it in and not getting what we were looking for.
  2. The number of people we could get in contact with is astonishing! People just like us (Disney Fiends) pinning neat tips and tricks. Can you imagine?!
  3. Disney would most likely make a killing off of this. 
  4. More boards to follow to feed into our addiction
  5. All of our favorite things all under one search option
   Comment and let me know what your opinion is on this whole thing! Am I just being overly dramatic? Or are there people out there like me who listens to Disney World Area Music on YouTube while I do work around the house or am I the only one? 

   In the meantime, I'm going to go pour myself some orange juice in my souvenir Mickey Mouse cup I got from Downtown Disney and pin some more Disney stuff.


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